What’s new with the inter-country adoption?

With no permanent mechanism for inter-country adoption under the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act (HAMA), the Delhi High Court has directed the Ministry of Women and Child Development to bring a report on the issue in two months while directing the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) to act on the above-mentioned law for the duration.

Adoption Diary | Finding the right motivation to adopt

Providing someone who needs a family is satisfying. There could be millions of reasons to think about adopting a child. But coming to decision is the tricky part. Scroll through the article to find out the right motivation to adopt a child. Answer the why first Adopting is not a child’s play; being crystal clear

Adopted children face mental trauma; Know what can you do

Adopted children commonly face mental trauma with new families. Adjusting to a new environment, being surrounded by strangers and so many questions lashed out on them about families or past experiences place them into a difficult situation. Besides a happy beginning, a safe and secure grounding with a healthy caregiver is needed most. Their brains

Factors Influencing Adoption in General 

Giving birth and raising a child is an extraordinary feeling. From advancing knowledge to shaping their future for a better cause, parenthood helps parents to grow holistically. While some are not fortunate enough to conceive a child, that doesn't determine your journey to parenthood. Yes, you can be a parent even without carrying the child

6 Reasons Why People Adopt a Child

Why do People adopt? When we ask this question, then the very first or simple answer is infertility, Right? But do you know there are a lot of other reasons that convince couples to Adopt a Child. The Child Adoption in India is a very personal or emotional decision of parents. Every family has different

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